I am beginning a new chapter in my life.  I think I will title this chapter “Learning Me”.  I moved away from all my family and friends for a job about 3-4 years ago.  Its only about 2 hours away but it was hard because our family is super close and I have a very demanding job that does not allow for frequent visits back home.  For the last 3-4 years I have lived with a crazy ex-roommate for a while and an ex-boyfriend for awhile-I’m sure you will hear more on both of them as we go through our journey.   No, I was not aware of the craziness before getting involved into those situations.  I have finally rid myself of all the bad karma (one can only hope) as I ventured into a new city and my own apartment last month. 

So far I love my choice of moving into my own place in a new city.  I am closer to my best friend over here which is awesome and the location is more like my hometown.  Some advantages I have found to living alone……
  1. Waking up, putting my music on loud and dancing around my apt as I get ready in the morning 
  2. Getting home and finding my place EXACTLY the same way I left…..you don’t know how exciting this after my last living situation
  3. Cooking dinner and actually having leftovers because someone does not overindulge and eat all 8 servings by himself.   
  4. Being able to study for my CPA exam without ANY interruptions (well besides my own procrastination that is)

So this is my journey of living alone, shopping frequently, decorating my place, cooking healthy and hopefully better, studying for the CPA, training for 5Ks and relay marathons, and finding time for family and friends.  I can’t wait to see where this journey leads me.  
3 Responses
  1. MsHark Says:

    I think living alone is an amazing thing!! I like your choice to move and start somewhere fresh, too. Good for you, girl! That takes guts!


  2. Mere Says:

    Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. I am so excited for your new chapter (and your new blog)! You totally deserve a some good karma right about now!


  3. Heather Says:

    Thanks Steph. I imagine there will be many ups and downs to my new start but I am excited for both. Thanks for following :)

    Mere-I can't wait for all the good karma to kick in :) Look I got the date fixed...I will slowly catch on to this blogging thing.

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